Dmitrijs Konavko
Structural unit
Unit of Plant Pathology and Entomology
Scientific assistant
M. agr.
Activity directions
• Study and diagnostics of fruit crop diseases caused by bacteria.
Major accomplishments
Major scientific publications:
- Konavko D., Malchev S., Pothier J. F., Jundzis M., Moročko-Bičevska I., Rezzonico F. (2015). Diversity and host range of Pseudomonas syringae in fruit tree species in Latvia. ACTA Horticulture, Nr. 1090 (In press).
- Konavko D., Moročko-Bičevska I., Bankina B. (2014) Pseudomonas syringae as important pathogen of fruit trees with emphasis on plum and cherry. In: 20th Annual International Scientific Conference "Research for Rural Development 2014" 21 – 23 May, 2014, Jelgava, Latvia.