Safeguarding of potato onion (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) crop diversity in North Europe - Baltic region (SafeAlliDiv)
During the period of 2017-2019 the project SafeAlliDiv was implemented in the LatHort. The aim of the SafeAlliDiv project, funded by the ECPGR Grant Scheme, was to promote active on-farm conservation of European Allium accessions. The genetic analyses undertaken within the project complemented the existing molecular marker analysis of Nordic potato onions that was recently carried out in Finland and Sweden, with analysis of additional material from partner countries, in order to reach a better understanding of existing genetic diversity in collections.
Summarizing the achievements, it should be stated that the aim of project was reached through raised interest on the potato onion in scientific community and wider public. For scientific community the molecular data obtained in the project will be published in the scientific paper, but for wider public the flyers about potato onion growing were developed and disseminated in the partner countries.
Genotyping data have been used to identify genotype groups and unique genotypes. Morphological parameters have been recorded for the majority of genotyped accessions. More detailed information on the project is available here.