About the Institute of Horticulture

“The most extraordinary people in the world today don't have a career. They have a mission. Our team’s mission at the Institute of Horticulture is to share the knowledge and know-how needed to enable access to fresh, high-quality local fruits and vegetables in Latvia throughout the year.
We are inclusive – our institute is an open space for scientists, believers, dreamers, growers, artists, musicians, poets, students, local community, government and tourists, as well as everyone else. We believe learning and achieving personal excellence is a lifelong adventure. We believe in leadership as a process of self-knowledge and social innovation. We transform ourselves, and we transform gardens. This is a story about love – we love our work, we love sustainable ideas, and we create with love. We believe happiness and passion are the most powerful tools for getting excellent results.”
Inese Ebele, Director, Institute of Horticulture
The beginnings of the Institute of Horticulture can be traced back to 1945, when it was founded at the Laucini nursery. After some years, the plant breeder Pēteris Upītis (1896–1976) started planting new experimental orchards in this place. The goal of this horticulturist was to cultivate winter-hardy fruit crops that would be compatible with the climatic conditions of Latvia, and that would bear high-quality fruit. Over the years, the orchard has changed its name and owners several times (to the Laboratory of Fruit growing, the Dobele Horticultural Plant Breeding Experimental Station, and the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing). The institute was given its present status on 1st January, 2016 – it is now under the jurisdiction of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
"LatHort is fast-growing research institute providing basic and applied research in horticulture. The scientists are motivated to be at the forefront of the current research topics in bioeconomy and plant biology. New research directions are under development currently – smart technologies and sustainable growing technologies in order to ensure the growing demands on implementation of the green policy of the EU.
The collaboration of experienced and new researchers is the driving force of research achievements. The increasing number of peer-reviewed publications demonstrates the acknowledgement of the research results among the scientific society. Good collaboration with farmers and broad society through open communication ensures knowledge uptake and development of horticulture, thus contributing to the national economy."
Dr. agr. Līga Lepse, Head of the Scientific Council, Leading Researcher
Directions of the Institute of Horticulture’s activities:
- Research in the sectors of horticulture and healthy food.
- Conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources.
- Promoting the integrated development of industry, science and education.
- Promoting the visibility of the institute and the horticultural industry.
Get acquainted with the Institute of Horticulture by opening the link to the science brochure. Click here
The logotype of Institute of Horticulture: