1. Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Līga Lepse, Alina Gospodaryk, Neda Pūpola (2014) [Elimination of black currant reversion virus with ozone in meristem cultures, In Latvian]. (Nr.14834) Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia.
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing.
2. Gunārs Lācis, Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Irita Kota-Dombrovska, Līga Lepse, Ineta Samsone (2014) [Early detection of somaclonal variation in apple and pear, In Latvian]. (Nr.14835) Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia.
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing.
3. Andris Zeltiņš, Ina Baļķe, Jeļena Šaripo, Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Dace Skrastiņa (2015) [Obtaining of antigens of Black currant reversion virus, In Latvian]. (Nr.15018) Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia.
- Owner: Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre.
- Co-owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing.
4. Office of the Republic of Latvia (2014) Nr. 14735, “A method of using apple puree with additives for the production of sweet and salty products” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
5. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2014) Nr.14914, “Technology of production containing of plant fiber” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (V. Radenkovs, D. Segliņa, A. Olšteine)
6. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2013) Nr. 14623, “Method of obtaining dry extract of sea buckthorn shoots” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Silvanols, Ltd (I. Leimane, L. Ivanova)
- Co-owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
7. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2010) Nr. 14113, “Method of using soluble fraction of fermented oats in beverage production technology” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia University of Agriculture (I. Grāmatiņa, V. Kreicbergs)
- Co-owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
8. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2010) Nr. 14095, “Method of preparing chicken fillet with vegetable-fruit additive in vacuum packaging (Sous vide packaging)” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia University of Agriculture (L. Dukaļska, K. Ramane., R. Galoburda)
- Co-owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
9. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2010) Nr. 14129, “Sea buckthorn nectar development technology” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
- Co-owner: Satori Alfa, Ltd (M. Selga)
10. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2006) Nr. LV 13468, “Method of obtaining the candies of American cranberries” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)
11. Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (2002) Nr. LV 12779 B, “Method of obtaining the candies of Japanese quince” [in Latvian]
- Owner: Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (D. Segliņa)