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This German cultivar is often called also just ‘Borsdorfer’. It is one of the oldest apple varieties still grown today. The first reliable written text mentioning this cultivar comes from year 1544, but it is possible that its history goes as far back as 12th century. In Latvia the cultivar has grown for a very long time. For example, at Dobele, in the orchard of the Duchess of Kurland, Elizabeth Magdalena, it was planted already in 1642. The variety has tasty, but smallish fruits. From its seed comes the well-known old local cultivar ‘Sīpoliņš’, earlier called also ‘Livländischer Borsdorfer’. ‘Sīpoliņš’ has many similarities with ‘Edelborsdorfer’, but the trees are much more winter-hardy and larger.

Submitted on: 20/06/2019