Evaluation of new, scab resistant apple cultivars in different regions of Latvia
Project No.
18-00-A00102-000026, LAD līguma Nr. LAD 240118/P6 (Lote Nr. 4)
Beginning of the Project
End of the project
Project Manager
Involved employees
Purpose of the demonstration: Practically showcase, introduce farmers to the new, hard-wearing varieties of apple trees, compare them with the commercially grown varieties nowadays.
Demonstration tasks:
- Compare at least two new, perspective apple varieties or hybrids with a production control variety in the demonstration;
- Evaluate yield and fruit size, fruit quality incl. coloring, quantity of fruit suitable for marketing, regularity of production;
- To evaluate the suitability of apple varieties for environmentally friendly production (integrated and biological), healthiness, resistance to harmful organisms and environmental conditions.
Farms and organizations involved in the demonstration: ZS „Mucenieki” (Saldus county), ZS „Kurpnieki” (Smiltenes county), ZS „Gaidas” (Jelgava county), ZS „Ievulejas” (Viļakas county), ZS „Lejasdārzi” (Kuldīgas county), Latvian Orchardman Association.
The project is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Amount of Funding
75 000 EUR
Source of Funding
National funding
Institute's Role
Project leading institution