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Project Database

Project name Project sponsor The role of the institute Sort descending Active
Application of deep learning and datamining for the study of plant-pathogen interaction: the case of apple and pear scab National funding Project leading institution Yes
Evaluation of strawberry and/or raspberry growing technologies used in Latvia and cultivar adaptability European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Project leading institution Yes
Investigation of apple, plum and cherry cultivar and rootstock suitability and development of technologies for sustainable farming in different regions of Latvia National funding Project leading institution Yes
The development of new synbiotic food products using enzymatic hydrolysis of plant by-product European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Project leading institution Yes
Studies on Ribes plants, Cecidophyopsis mites and Blackcurrant Reversion virus for sustainable resistance breeding and cultivation of Ribes European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Project leading institution Yes

Projects implemented until 2017 can be found in: HERE