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The 4th International Scientific Conference organized by the Institute of Horticulture took place on August 25 - 26


Image author: No DI arhīva

The 4th International Scientific Conference, “Sustainable Horticulture from Plant to Product: Challenges in Temperate Climate”, organized by the Institute of Horticulture, took place online on August 25 and 26.
The conference was attended by 98 delegates from 16 countries - Albania, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Great Britain, the USA and Latvia.

The aims of the conference were: to share knowledge about the latest scientific research findings in horticulture in different countries and regions, to strengthen international cooperation, and promote joint research.

Almost all the topics discussed are related to the sustainability issues of various horticultural crops, the introduction of more environmentally friendly technologies in both cultivation and plant protection. Changing consumer habits and the ability to meet their demand are also becoming more pronounced. Several presentations also highlighted the significant need to increase the knowledge of both growers and consumers about reducing the burden on the environment.

The International Scientific Conferences of the Institute of Horticulture bring together scientists from all over the world and have become a beautiful tradition and a creative environment for developing new ideas.
More information about the conference is available at this link. You can get acquainted with the conference presentations and speakers by opening the link to the conference abstract brochure.

The event was co-financed by project no. "Promotion of international co-operation projects in research and innovation of LLU and scientific institutions under its supervision".


Submitted on: 28/08/2021