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Vitalijs Radenkovs

Structural unit
Unit of Processing and Biochemistry
Dr. sc. ing.
Activity directions
  • Development of technological approaches for more efficient and rational use of the plant-derived by-products for the production of innovative food products
  • Elaboration of environmentally friendly packaging and coating materials from renewable resources to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit
  • A comprehensive examination of the physical properties and biochemical composition of plant-derived by-products, intermediates and products after enzymatic hydrolysis.
Major accomplishments

5 major scientific publications:

The 5 major popular scientific publications:

  • K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova, V. Radenkovs: Klijas ir ļoti vērtīgs blakusprodukts (Bran is a very valuable by-product). Saimnieks. Nr.11., 40-42 lpp. (2021).
  • V. Radenkovs, I. Drudze: Vērtīgie un unikālie paradīzes āboli (Valuable and unique Paradise apples). AgroTops. Nr.10 (2019). 
  • V. Radenkovs, K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova. Augu blakusproduktu paplašināšanas iespējas (The possibilities extending the use of plant-derived by-products). AgroTops. Nr.8 (2018), 74.lpp. ISSN 1407-5164.
  • V. Radenkovs. Augļapvalku un graudapvalku izmantošana pārtikā (The use of fruit and grain by-products in the food production industry). AgroTops. Nr. 10 (201), 79.-80.lpp ISSN 1407-5164.
  • V. Radenkovs, K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova. No augļu, ogu un graudu blakusproduktiem līdz veselīgai pārtikai (Conversion of fruit, berry, and grain by-products into new food products). Profesionālā Dārzkopība. Nr. 3 (4) (2017), 30.-31.lpp.


  • V. Radenkovs, K Juhņeviča-Radenkova, D. Segliņa: Dietary fiber product with synbiotic properties. Ref. No: LVP2021000014
  • V. Radenkovs, D. Segliņa, A. Olšteine: Technology of production containing of plant fiber. Patent No: 14914 B, Year: 07/2015

Participation in projects:

  • EAFRD project No.  19-00-A01612-000006 “Development of biotechnology competence for introduction of high-quality horticultural products” (2020-2023) (Investigator).
  • EAFRD project No.19-00-A01612-000004 “Production of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources for the development of edible coatings and packaging materials for fruits” (2019-2022) (Head of project).
  • FLPP excellent grant No. lzp-2020/2-0323, “Highly Efficient Release of Ferulic Acid from Agro-industrial By-products by Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes (FerulCelluZyms)” (2020) (Head of project). 
  • ERAF Project No., Activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid”, “The development of new synbiotic food products using enzymatic hydrolysis of plant by-products” (2017-2020) (Head of project).
  • EU ERA-NET SUSFOOD program project “Sustainable plant ingredients for healthier meat products - proof of concepts (SUSMEATPRO)”. (2015-2018), (Investigator).
  • Collaborative Research Project of Latvian Council of Science Nr. 672/2014 “Scientific and technological developments for sustainable cultivation and comprehensive use of sea buckthorn” (2014–2017) (Investigator).
  • State Research program Nr. 10-4/VPP-7/3 “Biological processes influencing sustainable fruit growing and widening possibilities for use of by-products” (AgroBioRes), (2014-2017) (Investigator).
  • ESF No. 2013/0048/1DP/ project "Creation of a researcher group to investigate the possibilities of stone fruit trees propagation, quality improvement of generative processes and fruit usage”. (2013-2015) (Investigator).