Selection of pear, plum and / or cherry cultivars suitable for Latvian conditions

Project No.
18-00-A00102-000007, LAD līguma Nr. LAD 240118/P7 (Lote Nr. 6)
Beginning of the Project
End of the project
Project Manager
Involved employees
Project aim: demonstration of pear, plum and cherry cultivars suitable for Latvian conditions
Project activities:
- field demonstrations of new pear, plum and cherry cultivars in commercial plantations in different regions of Latvia
- observations of winter-hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, productivity and fruit quality
- organizing of annual Field days in each of demonstration farm.
Farms and organizations involved in the project: „Lejasdārzi”, „Vīksnas-1”, „Gaidas”, „Ķirši”, „Sprogas”, Latvian Orchardman Association.
Amount of Funding
75 000 EUR
Source of Funding
National funding
Institute's Role
Project leading institution