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Daina Feldmane

Structural unit
Unit of Agronomic Research and Variety Testing
Leading researcher
Dr. agr.
Activity directions

Research on sweet and sour cherries in relation to growing environment, their resistance to cold and other stress factors:

  • cultivar and rootstock testing
  • growing technology development
  • genetic resource exploration and evaluation of breeding material
Major accomplishments

Major publications:

Participation in projects
Development of Non-Technological and Technological Innovation in Fruit Growing and Processing in the Countries of the Baltic Sea Region "(InnoFruit)
Identification, collection and research of the genetic potential of in situ cultivated plants for food and agriculture and their wild relatives
Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour (Heritage Gardens)
Development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles based decision-making system for smart fruit growing
Horticultural plant breeding program for the development of breeding material to promote the introduction of conventional, integrated and organic growing technologies, 2025
Selection of pear, plum and / or cherry cultivars suitable for Latvian conditions
Wild Cherry (Cerasus avium Moench. syn. Prunus avium L.) propagation technology development and selection of perspective clones for the establishment of productive roundwood plantations under the climatic conditions of Latvia
Horticultural plant breeding program for the development of breeding material to promote the introduction of conventional, integrated and organic growing technologies, 2024
Integrated system for interactive public garden development in Baltic Sea Region (Interactive Gardens)
Investigation of apple, plum and cherry cultivar and rootstock suitability and development of technologies for sustainable farming in different regions of Latvia
The necessity of nutrients for cherries and improvement of their availability