The necessity of nutrients for cherries and improvement of their availability
Project No.
Beginning of the Project
End of the project
Project Manager
Involved employees
Project aim: determination of nutrient necessity for cherries and improvement of their availability using different fertilizers and fertilization methods
Project activities:
- Deermination of the uptake of nutrient elements for cherries grown on different rootstocks
- Evaluation of fertilizing technologies for cherry growing in soils with low content of plant available phosphorus and potassium.
Project partners: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte, ZS “Vārkļi”, ZS “Tauriņi”, ZS “Kalna Rūdupes”, ZS “Pļavnieki"
Amount of Funding
35771.20 EUR
Source of Funding
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Institute's Role
Project leading institution