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Jānis Lepsis

Structural unit
Unit of Agronomic Research and Variety Testing
Leading researcher
Dr. agr.
Activity directions

•    Fruit tree agrotechnics, crown formation.
•    Apple rootstocks, their propagation.
•    Collaboration with fruit-growers.
•    Consultations.

Major accomplishments

Major publications:

  • Viškelis J., Uselis N., Liaudanskas M., Janulis V., Bielicki P., Univer T., Lepsis J., Kviklys D. 2018. Triterpenic acid content in the fruit peel of Malus × domestica Borkh. depends on the growing technology. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 105 (1): 71–78
  • Saite:
  • V. Jonas, N. Uselis, M. Liaudanskas , J. Lanauskas, P. Bielicki , T. Univer , J. Lepsis , D. Kviklys. 2019. Location effects across northeastern Europe on bioactive compounds in apple fruit. Agricultural and food science, 28 (2): 93-100.
  • Saite:

Major popular publications: