Karina Juhņeviča-Radenkova
Structural unit
Unit of Processing and Biochemistry
Dr. sc. ing.
Activity directions
- Development of technological approaches for more efficient and rational use of the plant-derived by-products for the production of innovative food products
- Elaboration of environmentally friendly packaging and coating materials from renewable resources to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruit
- The accomplishment of plant origin raw material, processed product and by-product microbiological analysis
Major accomplishments
5 major scientific publications:
- Radenkovs, V.; Juhnevica-Radenkova, K.; Jakovlevs, D.; Zikmanis, P.; Galina, D.; Valdovska, A. The Release of Non-Extractable Ferulic Acid from Cereal By-Products by Enzyme-Assisted Hydrolysis for Possible Utilization in Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, doi:10.3390/nano12173053.
- Radenkovs, V.; Juhnevica-Radenkova, K.; Kviesis, J.; Valdovska, A. An Environmentally Friendly Approach for the Release of Essential Fatty Acids from Cereal By-Products Using Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes. Biology (Basel) 2022, 11, doi:10.3390/biology11050721.
- Radenkovs, V.; Juhnevica-Radenkova, K.; Kviesis, J.; Lazdina, D.; Valdovska, A.; Vallejo, F.; Lacis, G. Lignocellulose-Degrading Enzymes: A Biotechnology Platform for Ferulic Acid Production from Agro-Industrial Side Streams. Foods 2021, 10, doi:10.3390/foods10123056.
- Radenkovs, V.; Püssa, T.; Juhnevica-Radenkova, K.; Kviesis, J.; Salar, F.J.; Moreno, D.A.; Drudze, I. Wild Apple (Malus spp.) by-Products as a Source of Phenolic Compounds and Vitamin C for Food Applications. Food Bioscience 2020, 38, doi:10.1016/j.fbio.2020.100744.
- Radenkovs, V.; Juhnevica-Radenkova, K.; Górnaś, P.; Seglina, D. Non-Waste Technology through the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Agro-Industrial by-Products. Trends Food Science and Technology 2018, 77, 64–76, doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2018.05.013.
The 5 major popular scientific publications:
- K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova, V. Radenkovs: Ēdamais iepakojums – viens no atkritumu problēmas risinājumiem (Edible packaging is one of the solutions to the waste problem). Saimnieks Nr.6, 62-66. lpp. (2022).
- K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova, V. Radenkovs: Klijas ir ļoti vērtīgs blakusprodukts (Bran is a very valuable by-product). Saimnieks. Nr.11 (40-42) (2021).
- Karina Juņeviča-Radenkova, Inese Drudze urnāla “Ēdamie augļu un ogu pārklājumi” ("Edible fruit and berry coatings").“Agrotops” Nr.2, 66-67 lpp. (2021).
- Karina Juņeviča-Radenkova, Inese Drudze. “Klijas - Vērtīgs blakusprodukts”( Bran - Valuable by-product). “Agrotops” Nr.4, 6 lpp. (2021).
- V. Radenkovs, K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova. Augu blakusproduktu paplašināšanas iespējas (The possibilities extending the use of plant-derived by-products). AgroTops. Nr.8 (2018), 74.lpp. ISSN 1407-5164.
- V. Radenkovs, K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova. No augļu, ogu un graudu blakusproduktiem līdz veselīgai pārtikai (Conversion of fruit, berry, and grain by-products into new food products). Profesionālā Dārzkopība. Nr. 3 (4) (2017), 30.-31.lpp.
Participation in projects:
- ELFLA project 19-00-A01620-000098“The introduction of innovative, competitive growing technologies for Japanese quince and the extension of the range of fruit-processed products” (2020–2023) (Investigator).
- EAFRD project No.19-00-A01612-000004 “Production of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources for the development of edible coatings and packaging materials for fruits” (2019-2022) (Head of project).
- FLPP excellent grant No. lzp-2020/2-0323, “Highly Efficient Release of Ferulic Acid from Agro-industrial By-products by Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes (FerulCelluZyms)” (2020) (Investigator).
- ERAF project Nr. “Environment-friendly cultivation of emerging commercial fruit crop Japanese quince-Chaenomeles japonica and waste-free methods of its processing” (2017-2020) (Investigator);
- Interreg Baltic Sea Region program project Nr. #R004 “Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries (InnoFruit)” (2016-2019) (Investigator).
- State Research program Nr. 10-4/VPP-7/3 “Biological processes influencing sustainable fruit growing and widening possibilities for use of by-products” (AgroBioRes) (2014-2017) (Investigator).
- State Research program Nr. 10-4/VPP-5/4 “Sustainable use of local resources (earth, forest, food and transport) – new products and technologies” (NatRes) (2010-2013), (Investigator).
- ESF project No. 2013/0048/1DP/ “Creation of a researcher group to investigate the possibilities of stone fruit trees propagation, quality improvement of generative processes and fruit usage” (2013-2015) (Investigator).
- ESF project No. 1DP/ „Scientific capacity building in fruit-growing, forestry and information technology sectors, providing research on environmentally friendly growing strategies, product development and introduction aided by computer technologies” (2009-2012). (2010-2012) (Investigator).