Neda Zuļģe
Structural unit
Unit of Plant Pathology and Entomology
M. biol.
Scientific interests and expertise
Plant virology and viral disease diagnostics; virus evolution and genetic variability.
Activity directions
• Study of plant viruses – spread and epidemiology, genotyping.
• Development of methods for diagnosing and controlling viral diseases.
• Development of plant rehabilitation methods.
Major accomplishments
5 major publications:
- Gospodaryk A., Moročko-Bičevska I., Pūpola N., Kāle A. (2013.) Occurrence of stone fruit viruses in plum orchards in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 67 No. 2 (683): 116–123
- Pūpola N., Moročko-Bičevska I., Kāle A. and Zeltiņš A. (2011.) Occurrence and Diversity of Pome Fruit Viruses in Apple and Pear Orchards in Latvia. Journal of Phytopathology 159: 597-605
- Glasa M., Malinowski T., Predajna L., Pūpola N., Dekena Dz., Michalczuk L., Candresse T. (2011.) Sequence variability and recombination analysis of the W strain of Plum pox virus. Phytopathology 101: 980-985
- Pupola N., Kale A., Jundzis M., Morocko-Bicevska I. (2010) The occurrence of Ilarviruses in Latvian fruit orchards. Julius Kühn Archive 427: 263-267
- Pūpola N., Lepse L., Kāle A. and Moročko-Bičevska I. (2009.) Occurrence of RBDV in Latvia and virus elimination in vitro by chemotherapy. Sodininkyste ir darbininkyste 28(3): 165-171
Major popular science publications and patents:
- Stalažs A., Pūpola N. (2015.) Pumpurērces upeņu un jāņogu stādījumos. Augļudārzu kaitēkļi un to ierobežošana. Lauksaimniecības žurnāla AgroTops bibliotēka 2015, 12–16;
- Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Līga Lepse, Alina Gospodaryk, Neda Pūpola “Upeņu reversijas vīrusa eliminācijas paņēmiens ar ozonēšanu meristēmu kultūrās”, LR Patents Nr. 14834 (LR Patentu Valdes oficiālais izdevums, 11/2014: 1652).
- Kāle A., Pūpola N., Moročko-Bičevska I. (2008.) Nozīmīgākās ābeļu un bumbieru vīrusslimības — pasaulē un Latvijā. AgroTops (7), 32–34.