Influence of agroecological conditions on the quality of vegetables in urban horticulture

Influence of agroecological conditions on the quality of vegetables in urban horticulture is an interdisciplinary study comprehensing vegetable production technologies in urban horticulture, the research of the most suitable soil substrates, the aspects of food and environmental quality, as well as the issues related to the quality and sustainability of urban environment and food self-provision.
The project is covering the pressing challenges of agriculture and environmental sciences binding to the EU Green Deal.
The main activities of the project include the assessment of the conceptual approaches and agroecological influences in urban gardening, the installation and maintenance of urban and field gardens, the assessment of yield and vegetable quality, and knowledge transfer measures. In order to achieve the aim of the project, an urban garden will be established on the terrace of the building belonging to the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics in Riga, where different food plants will be grown in enclosed soil and controlled conditions. In parallel, the same plants will also be grown in a rural area at the Institute of Horticulture, Pūre Research centre, which will provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the agro-ecological conditions and urban environment on vegetable quality and yield.
As a result of the project implementation, the most optimal technologies for urban horticulture will be investigated, as well as new knowledge in urban horticulture will be created.