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Līga Lepse

Structural unit
Unit of Agronomic Research and Variety Testing
Leading researcher
Dr. agr.
Activity directions
  • Sustainable growing technologies in horticulture, vegetable genetic resources;
  • Micro-clonal propagation of horticultural crops.
Major accomplishments

Major scientific publications:


  • Lepse, L., Dane, S., Zeipiņa, S., Domínguez-Perles, R. and Rosa, E. A., 2017. Evaluation of vegetable–faba bean (Vicia faba L.) intercropping under Latvian agro-ecological conditions. J. Sci. Food Agric
  • G. Bodner, A. Kronberga, L. Lepse, M. Olle, I.M. Vågen, L. Rabante, J.A. Fernández,G. Ntatsi, A. Balliu, B. Rewald, 2018. Trait identification of faba bean ideotypes for Northern European environments. European Journal of Agronomy 96 (2018) 1–12
  • Karkanis A., Georgia Ntatsi, Liga Lepse, Juan A. Fernández, Ingunn M. Vågen, Boris Rewald, Ina Alsiņa, Arta Kronberga, Astrit Balliu, Margit Olle, Gernot Bodner, Laila Dubova, Eduardo Rosa and Dimitrios Savvas, 2018. Faba Bean Cultivation – Revealing Novel Managing Practices for More Sustainable and Competitive European Cropping Systems Front. Plant Sci., 02 August 2018
  • L.Lepse, I.Jansone, 2017. Influence of Agricultural Service Crops on the fluctuations of the soil mineral composition. NJF Report Vol 13, 1, 67-69
  • Navarro-Miró, D., Blanco-Moreno J. M., Ciaccia C., Chamorro L., Testani E., Lakkenborg Kristensen H., Hefner M., Tamm K., Bender I., Jakop M., Bavec M., H. Védie, L. Lepse, S. Canali, F. Xavier Sans, 2019. Agroecological service crops managed with roller crimper reduce weed density and weed species richness in organic vegetable systems across Europe. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 39 - 55.


Major popular science publications (in Latvian):

  • Lepse, L. Patentētā daba : 2014, Vides Vēstis. - ISSN 1407-2939. - Nr.2 (2014, pavasaris), 48.-49.lpp.
  • Lepse, L. Jaunā krūmu diļļu šķirne "Kurland" : 2014.Saimnieks LV. - ISSN 1691-1598. - Nr.4 (2014, maijs), 54.lpp.
  • Moročko-Bičevska I., Lācis G., Lepse L., 2015. Jauna pieeja upeņu un ābeļu stādu atveseļošanā. AgroTops. - Nr.6 (2015), 72.-73.lpp.
  • Lepse L. Skābais, bet garšīgais rabarbers. Dārzs un Drava, Nr.6, 2007, 51-52 lpp.
  • Lepse L.  Kāda atšķirība starp “meristēmu” un “parastajiem” ogulāju stādiem, Saimnieks LV, 5, 2006, 85.
Participation in projects
Influence of agroecological conditions on the quality of vegetables in urban horticulture
Safeguarding of potato onion (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum group) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) crop diversity in North Europe - Baltic region (SafeAlliDiv)
Modernisation of garlic growing technology for secure yield in organic farming
SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies (SMARTPROTECT)
Augļu, dārzeņu un dekoratīvo augu seno šķirņu dārzi un tradicionālie pārstrādes produkti: Vēsturisko dārzu maršruts (Heritage Gardens)
Elaboration of environment-friendly crop growing technologies identified by the Green Deal and their implementation in horticultural production in Latvia (GreenHort)
Identification, collection and research of the genetic potential of in situ cultivated plants for food and agriculture and their wild relatives
Pētnieciskie un tehnoloģiskie risinājumi ilgtspējīgai smiltserksku audzēšanai un pilnvērtīgai izmantošanai
Introducing of high technologies in vegetable production in the modern greenhouses
Integrated system for interactive public garden development in Baltic Sea Region (Interactive Gardens)
Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System (ATLAS)
Development of new vegetable - edamame growing technology in organic production
Introducing of sustainable vegetable growing technologies for increasing soil fertility and efficient using of resources
Hypericum ģints augi kā perspektīvs jauns tokotrienolu un ar tokohromanolu saistītu molekulu savienojumu avots – no dekoratīvās kultūras līdz rūpnieciskai izmantošanai
Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production (SUREVEG)