Inta Krasnova
Structural unit
Unit of Processing and Biochemistry
Dr. sc. ing.
Activity directions
- Development new processing products of fruits, berries and vegetables, and improvement of production technologies.
- Work with entrepreneurs on new product development (formulation of processed products, technology development and nutritional assessment).
- Evaluation of biochemical composition of fruit and vegetable crops and their processed products.
- Development and validation of biochemical methods.
Major accomplishments
Major scientific publications
- Krasnova I., Dukaļska L., Segliņa D., Mišina I., Kārkliņa D. (2013) Influence of anti-browning inhibitors and biodegradable packaging on the quality of fresh-cut pears. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 67, No.2 (683), pp. 167-173.
- Krasnova I., Seglina D., Kviesis J., Surikova V., Karklina D. (2013) Polyphenolic, vitamin C and sugar profile of apple cultivars grown in Latvia. Proceedings II Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, Acta Horticulturae 981, Vol.(1), 613-619.
- Krasnova I., Dukalska L., Seglina D., Juhnevica K., Sne E., Karklina D. (2012) Effect of Passive Modified Atmosphere in Different Packaging Materials on Fresh-Cut Mixed Fruit Salad Quality during Storage. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 67,pp. 1095-1104.
- Górnas P Mišina I., Krasnova I., Segliņa D. Tocopherol and tocotrienol contents in the sea buckthorn berry beverages in Baltic countries: Impact of the cultivar. Fruits, 2016, vol. 71(6), p. 399-405.
- Zvaigzne G., Kārkliņa D., Thomas J.M., Kuehn S., Krasnova I., Segliņa D., (2017), Ultra -high temperature effect on bioactive compounds and sensory attributes of orange juice compared with additional processing. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 71 No. 6 (711), pp. 486–491.DOI: 10.1515/prolas-2017-0084
- Valdovska A., Gāliņa D., Krasnova I. Segliņa D. (2017) Antibacterial activity of some plants of traditional herbal medicine on growth of E.coli in vitro originated from liquid pig manure.Proceeding of 7th ICBBB, 56-61.
- Krasnova I., Segliņa D., Pole V. (2018) The effect of pre-treatment methods on the quality of dehydrated candied Japanese quince fruits during storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology 55(11), pp 4468–4476.
- Krasnova, I., Seglina, D., Aboltins, A., Juhnevica, K. and Karklina, D. (2018). Quality maintenance of fresh-cut apple salad by using different anti-browning agents. Acta Hortic. 1209, 217-224.DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1209.31
Participation in projects over the last 5 years:
- Innovative, economically substantiated solutions to improve the efficiency of apple and raspberry production and fruit quality, No. 18-00-A01620-000025 (2018 - 2023) (Investigator).
- Production of biodegradable polymers from renewable sources for the development of edible coatings and packaging materials for fruits. No.19-00-A01612-000004 (2019-2022) (Investigator).
- Experimental (Pilot) development of plant-derived organic milk ice-cream (hemp and soy) with various berry, fruit and vegetable additives (2019-2020) (Investigator).
- Development of new vegetable - edamame growing technology in organic production, No. I7-00-401620-000004 (2018 - 2021) (Investigator).
- ERAF project Nr. „Environment-friendly cultivation of emerging commercial fruit crop Japanese quince – Chaenomeles japonica and waste-free methods of its processing” (2017-2020) (Investigator).
- Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries (InnoFruit). Interreg Baltic Sea Region program (2016 - 2019) (Investigator).
- Sustainable plant ingredients for healthier meat products - proof of concepts (SUSMEATPRO). ERA-Net (2015-2018) (Investigator).
- Collaborative Research Project of Latvian Council of Science Nr. 672/2014 “Scientific and technological developments for sustainable cultivation and comprehensive use of sea buckthorn” (2014–2017) (Investigator).
- State Research Program Nr. 10-4/VPP-7/3 “Biological processes influencing sustainable fruit growing and widening possibilities for use of by-products” (AgroBioRes) (2014–2017) (Investigator).
- Netehnoloģisko un tehnoloģisko inovāciju kapacitātes attīstība augļu audzēšanā un pārstrādē Baltijas jūras reģiona valstīs (Advancement of nontechnological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Interereg Baltic Sea Region countries, InnoFruit), (2016 - 2019)
- State Research Programme "Agricultural Resources for Sustainable Qualitative and Healthy Food Production in Latvia" (AgroBioRes). Nr. 10-4/VPP-7/3, Project No. 2. Biological processes influencing sustainable fruit growing and widening possibilities for use of by-products. (2014-2017)
- State Research Programme "Vietējo resursu (zemes dzīļu, meža, pārtikas un transporta) ilgtspējīga izmantošana - jauni produkti un tehnoloģijas" (NatRes) Project No. 2 „Ābolu kvalitātes paaugstināšanas, saglabāšanas un pārstrādes iespēju risinājumi" (2010-2013)
- ERAF project "Smiltsērkšķu veģetatīvo daļu izmantošana profilaktisku produktu ar augstu antioksidatīvo iedarbību", No. 2010/0317/2DP/ (2010-2012)