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Kristīne Drevinska

Structural unit
Unit of Plant Pathology and Entomology
Scientific assistant
M. agr.
Activity directions

•    Fruit crop planting material rehabilitation and maintenance of the collection.
•    Study of fungi pathogenic to plants.

Major accomplishments

Scientific publications:

  • Zuļģe N., Kāle A., Gospodaryk A., Vēvere K., Moročko-Bičevska I. (2016) Establishment of nuclear stock collections for apple and pear in Latvia. 3rd international scientific conference „Sustainable Fruit Growing: From Plant to Product”, Riga-Dobele, Latvia/ Abstract Book, p.59.
  • Konavko D., Jundzis M., Vēvere K., Moročko-Bičevska I. (2016) The pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae on various species of fruit trees and other related hosts. 3rd international scientific conference „Sustainable Fruit Growing: From Plant to Product”, Riga-Dobele,Latvia/ Abstract Book, p.47.