Māris Jundzis
Structural unit
Unit of Plant Pathology and Entomology
Scientific assistant
B. Sc.
Activity directions
• Study of the bacterial diseases of fruit crops.
• Maintenance of the micro-organism collection.
Major accomplishments
Scientific publications:
- Konavko D., Malchev S., Pothier J.F., Jundzis M., Moročko-Bičevska I., Rezzonico F., Diversity and host range of Pseudomonas syringae in fruit tree species in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae. In Press.
- Pūpola N., Kāle A., Jundzis M., Moročko - Bičevska I. (2010) The occurrence of Ilarviruses in Latvian fruit orchards. Julius Kühn Archive, 427: 263-267.