Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Pawel Gornas

Pārstrādes un bioķīmijas nodaļa
Vadošais pētnieks
Dr. sc. ing.
Darbības virzieni
  • Agro-rūpniecisko blakusproduktu un ārstniecības augu izmantošana hidrofilo un lipofīlo bioaktīvo savienojumu izdalīšanai un ieguvei.

  • Videi draudzīgu ekstrakcijas metožu izmantošana bioaktīvo savienojumu noteikšanai.

  • Netradicionāli eļļas ieguves avoti ar potenciāli augstu izmantošanas vērtību.

  • Inovatīvu un vienkāršotu pieeju izstrāde bioaktīvo savienojumu ātrai noteikšanai, izmantojot HPLC un SFC.

Galvenie sasniegumi

5 nozīmīgākās zinātniskās publikācijas:

  • G. Baškirovs, K. Dukurs, A. Soliven, P. Górnaś, Evaluation of RPLC stationary phases for tocopherol and tocotrienol positional isomer separation: Method development and profiling. Talanta, 277, 2024, 126360, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2024.126360;

  • G. Baškirovs, A. Soliven, P. Górnaś, Supercritical fluid chromatography with fluorescence detection for tocochromanol profiling in oils and seed ethanol extracts: A comparative study with NPLC. Microchemical Journal, 199, 2024, 110225, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2024.110225;

  • P. Górnaś, D. Lazdiņa, I. Mišina, E. Sipeniece, D. Segliņa, Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) seeds: An exceptional source of tocotrienols. Scientia Horticulturae, 331, 2024, 113107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2024.113107;

  • A. Siger, P. Górnaś, Free tocopherols and tocotrienols in 82 plant species’ oil: Chemotaxonomic relation as demonstrated by PCA and HCA. Food Research International, 164, 2023, 112386, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112386;

  • G. Baškirovs, A. Soliven, P. Górnaś, Analytical scale supercritical fluid chromatography for the analysis of nine tocochromanols in 24 different cold-pressed plant oils: Method development, validation, and isolation of tocotrienols and plastochromanol-8. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 110, 2022, 104586, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2022.104586.

Dalība projektos (pēdējo 3 gadu laikā):

  • Iceland Liechtenstein Norway project: EEA-RESEARCH-170-RC, INnovative TEchnologies for REcovery of valuable compounds from agri-food and seafood side STreams for food applications (INTEREST) (2023-2024);

  • Latvian Council of Science project: lzp-2021/1-0651, Genus Hypericum as a new valuable source of tocotrienols and tocochromanol-related molecules – from ornamental crop to industrial applications (2021-2024);

  • Latvian Council of Science project: lzp-2020/1-0422, Dicotyledonous plant families and green tools as a promising alternative approach to increase the accessibility of tocotrienols from unconventional sources (2020-2023);

  • ERDF project:, Environment-friendly cultivation of emerging commercial fruit crop – Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) and waste-free methods of its processing (2017-2020);

  • COST action: OC-2015-1-19780, CA15136 - European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (EUROCAROTEN) (2016-2020).

  • Production of biodegradable polymers from renewable sources for the development of edible coatings and packaging materials for fruits. No.19-00-A01612-000004 (2019-2022);

  • Development of new vegetable - edamame growing technology in organic production, No. I7-00-401620-000004 (2018 - 2021).