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Pawel Gornas

Structural unit
Unit of Processing and Biochemistry
Leading researcher
Dr. sc. ing.
Scientific interests and expertise
  • Utilization of the agro-industrial by-products and medicinal plants for recovery of hydrophilic and lipophilic bioactive compounds.
  • Application of environmentally friendly techniques of extraction and determination of the bioactive compounds.
  • Unconventional sources of oil with potential high utilized value.
  • Development of innovative and simplified approaches for the rapid detection of bioactive compounds via HPLC and SFC.
Activity directions
  • Assessment of the significant potential of unconventionally sourced vegetable oil and biologically active compounds - hydrophilic (phenolic compound) and lipophilic (tocopherol, tocotrienol, PC-8, carotenoid, phytosterol and fatty acids) - in food and pharmacy production.
  • Study of the biologically active compounds of plant-based raw material and processed products and factors that influence their concentration levels.
  • Development of new, alternative and innovative analysis methods for work with HPLC - the active compounds as potential quality and authenticity markers in horticultural crops and products.
Major accomplishments

5 major scientific publications:

Research projects (last three years):

  • Production of biodegradable polymers from renewable sources for the development of edible coatings and packaging materials for fruits. No.19-00-A01612-000004 (2019-2022) 
  • Development of new vegetable - edamame growing technology in organic production, No. I7-00-401620-000004 (2018 - 2021) Experimental (Pilot) development of plant-derived organic milk ice-cream (hemp and soy) with various berry, fruit and vegetable additives (2019-2020) (Investigator).
  • ERAF project Nr. „Environment-friendly cultivation of emerging commercial fruit crop Japanese quince – Chaenomeles japonica and waste-free methods of its processing” (2017-2020) 
  • COST action OC-2015-1-19780 „European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health” (2016-2020)
  • Sustainable plant ingredients for healthier meat products - proof of concepts (SUSMEATPRO). ERA-Net (2015-2018) 
  • Collaborative Research Project of Latvian Council of Science Nr. 672/2014 “Scientific and technological developments for sustainable cultivation and comprehensive use of sea buckthorn” (2014–2017) 
  • State Research Program Nr. 10-4/VPP-7/3 “Biological processes influencing sustainable fruit growing and widening possibilities for use of by-products” (AgroBioRes) (2014–2017)